Scientific name: Pelvicachromis sacrimontis is a freshwater fish of the cichlid family known only from a small area of southeastern Nigeria. Currently Fishbase considers this binomial to be a junior synonym of P. pulcher and, it was also known as Pelvicachromis camerunensis, P. pulcher"form B" or P. sp. aff. pulcher but some authorities now consider it to be a valid species. It is occasionally available in the tropical fish trade as "giant krib" and there are three colour morphs – red, green and yellow. And are the most colorful of the Pelvicachromis family. Today its popularity increases due to more order demands by aquarium hobbyists.
Difficulty in keeping: Advanced (Male can be hyper aggressive in the early stages of bonding)
Maximum size: 8-10cm Males 8-10cm Females
Selling size: 3-4 cm and above
Temperature: 22 – 29 °C (25°C preferred)
pH: 4.0-5.0 (In the wild) Our fish are bred and grown at a ph between 5.0 and 7.0
Diet: Primarily carnivorous and apparently feeds mostly on benthic invertebrates in nature. In the aquarium live and frozen foods such as Brine shrimp, Daphnia and Blackworms should be offered regularly although most specimens will also learn to accept dried alternatives with pelleted products generally preferred to flake.
Disclaimer: Photos are taken of our own fish and usually the breeding parents, photos are for reference only and actual fish you will receive might slightly vary.